Maine Breweries

Acadian Adventures – Foundation Brewing Co

Once again, I got up earlier than anyone on vacation ever should, and headed to my next hike in Acadia National Park. When I first heard about the Precipice Trail heading up Mt Champlain, I was thrilled - it just sounded like a ton of fun. After reading some blog posts saying that if I found the Beehive easy, the Precipice trail should provide a healthy challenge, I was...

Maine Breweries

The Journey Begins – Trip to Bar Harbor & Acadia – Cushnoc Brewing Co

Here commences my first review of hopefully many to come. If you’re reading this, I will make the assumption that you - at the bare minimum - occasionally enjoy craft beer. Please note, that I will not pretend to be a beer sommelier - a hoplier(?) - or the “final word” on a beer or brewery. I am just a person who enjoys craft beer. That being said...