New Hampshire Breweries

Hiking Mt Waumbek with Rek-Lis Abandon

The sun is shining down on the endless expanse of hills and forests as we’re driving through the Northern White Mountains to Jefferson, NH. The goal is to peakbag yet another 4k footer before the day is through - Mt Waumbek in the Pliny Range, the second Northernmost of the NH48. Today, I am accompanied by...

New Hampshire Breweries

Blueberry Wishes and Pipe Dreams

It is 7:30 am and I’ve arrived in Ferncroft, NH for my day of peakbagging Mt Whiteface and Mt Passaconway. Unlike the other trailheads I’ve been to that typically start at the side of a road or at a campsite, the Blueberry Ledge trail had me cut through private drives - don’t worry, trespassing hikers were welcomed. The Blueberry Ridge trail is part of the “Terrifying 25” - or 25...

New Hampshire Breweries

We Like Ike – and Tuckerman Too

A few years back, I started my quest to climb all 48 of the New Hampshire 4,000 footers. Today, I made a major milestone. With my 24th peak summited, I made the halfway mark. We reached the Eisenhower trailhead around 7:30 and started our ascent. Unlike Tecumseh which apparently is a popular climb, we didn’t encounter a single soul until we reached the Crawford path climbing the 4,760 foot mountain a few hours into the hike.

New Hampshire Breweries

Chilling at Schilling Beer Co

Early in July, Massachusetts and New Hampshire came together in agreement that New England is handling the pandemic pretty well - get your shit together Georgia and Florida - and lifted the mutual mandatory/suggested quarantine for visitors from the other state (take a hint Maine). For me that means more hiking in my favorite spot - The White Mountains - as well as opening me up to New Hampshire breweries.